Topping up your Engine Oil

Every petrol or diesel vehicle needs oil to run and run smoothly at that. This means that a regular top up is often required and we’re going to take you through the process. The first step is to open your bonnet, and locate your dipstick. This will usually have a brightly coloured end such as orange or yellow, and it usually has a whole in the middle to place your finger when you’re pulling it out.

When you see the dipstick give it a wipe and place it back in to its slot. Then pull back out and check the level the oil comes to on the meter. If it’s between the two marks, which are usually either holes or lines, then it’s at a good level but if it’s below then it’s time to fill it up.

You then need to pour in some oil, preferably using a funnel so none is wasted, then give it time to drain into the engine and check again about 5 minutes later. Keep doing so until the level is correct (between the min and max mark).