Are Accessories For Your Car Safe?

When visiting a car or mechanic store, you are likely to see a wide variety of accessories being sold that you can add to your car. These can range from steering wheel covers, air fresheners, to dangling dice and car mats. But, are all of these accessories they are selling to you safe?

For the most part, these accessories are safe for your vehicle. But they can sometimes provide more of a distraction than help with your driving. One of the accessories sold that we deem not safe for use is fluffy steering wheel covers. These are generally sold to new women drivers who want to make their plain black car girlie. But we do not believe these are safe. When driving, you need to have a good grip on your steering wheel to be able to have full control of your car. Adding a fluffy steering wheel cover to your ar will make it harder to manoeuvre your steering wheel, putting you less in control. Saying this, you can purchase steering wheel covers that are leather and will provide extra grip, these are good for your car.

Another accessory that may cause more of a distraction is hanging dice or air fresheners. These are commonly seen in cars across the United Kingdom, but we do not deem them safe. Anything that you need to hang from your mirror will provide a distraction for you. You are more likely to get distracted by the hanging item, meaning your eyes will be off the road. You can purchase air fresheners that are non-hanging, these are a safer option for you to keep your car smelling nice.

Whilst some accessories are not safe for your vehicle, alternatives are being offered to you. So you can still purchase these goods, just a safer choice.