Should My Car Have A Dashcam?

There are many accessories for cars that are available to purchase. Some of these can be more useful than others. One of the more expensive accessories you can purchase is a dashcam, but are these worthwhile? The purpose of a dashcam is to record continuous footage whilst you are driving. Meaning if any accidents were to occur you would have vital footage that can prove who is at fault, protecting yourself and other drivers. A dashcam can also provide extra protection for your car as most dashcams will begin recording when motion is detected near your car. This means criminals are less likely to target your vehicle. Finally, most car insurance companies also offer discounts on their insurance policies for those who have a dashcam installed. This means you are...

Are Accessories For Your Car Safe?

When visiting a car or mechanic store, you are likely to see a wide variety of accessories being sold that you can add to your car. These can range from steering wheel covers, air fresheners, to dangling dice and car mats. But, are all of these accessories they are selling to you safe? For the most part, these accessories are safe for your vehicle. But they can sometimes provide more of a distraction than help with your driving. One of the accessories sold that we deem not safe for use is fluffy steering wheel covers. These are generally sold to new women drivers who want to make their plain black car girlie. But we do not believe these are safe. When driving, you need to have a good grip on...

Using a Car Jack Safely

Everyone who drives should know how to use a car jack in case of a flat tire or blowout. Check your owner’s manual to find out where your car jack and spare tire are located. In most cases, they are somewhere in the rear of the car. The telescoping jack lifts from the axel and to raise the jack you need to insert the rod into the hole near the base of the jack and turn clockwise. Make sure that the groove in the jack fits securely into the place where it comes into contact with the axel to avoid any slippage as the car lifts off the ground. You also may want to place blocks against the tires so the car won’t roll. Make sure that the car is...

Taking Care of Your Tyres

Tyres are one of the most important parts of your vehicle. That fact that they are the only contact points between your vehicle and the road makes them an extremely important factor when it comes to safety, fuel consumption and general performance. Weather you run on budget tyres or some of the high-end brands, you need to check them regularly and have maintenance works carried out on them. This does not only improve safety, but also increases their lifespan saving you money in the long run. Some of the tyre maintenance works include;Wheel Balancing: This ensures your tyres and wheels are properly balanced and spin with all weights distributed equally. When your tyres are unbalanced, they wobble at high speeds and wear out much faster forcing you to replace them...

Taking Care of your Car Battery

One common cause for breakdowns is a flat or faulty car battery, and as a driver you have to remember that they don’t last forever. Terminals can become rusty or damaged over time, while short journeys can cause a loss of voltage. Batteries can last significantly longer if the terminals are cleaned and checked, but in general old batteries may eventually have problems, yet modern maintenance free batteries can be much more reliable. If you have a relatively old vehicle, it’s important to remember that your battery will not last forever, but regular cleaning and long journey can certainly help it live that little bit longer. Just make sure you get your car checked over every so often, including the battery!