Do You Need a New Car?

Cars a expensive – everyone knows that. But nothing is more expensive than a car that is not performing well, that is using too much fuel, that needs costly repairs all the time, and that is worth very little money. This is the unfortunate truth of car ownership – vehicles do not last forever, and whilst they are a good investment, they are also expensive and can be time consuming to maintain as they become older. One sign that you might need to think about getting a new car is when your current vehicle is needing repairs all the time. This can be a sign that it is not safe, and that its condition is deteriorating. If these repairs are becoming more serious and are costing more too, this is...

Signs of a New Wheel Bearing Being Needed

Wheel bearings are small parts in the grand scheme of things, but they are very important indeed. If you find that you need a wheel bearing replacement, there will usually be certain signs that you can look out for. These signs will let you recognise that a new bearing is needed with the minimum possible notice, so that you can get it replaced before bigger problems occur. You could be putting yourself in danger if your car is travelling at speed and you lose a wheel bearing. One of the most common signs that you need a new wheel bearing can be an unusual noise, which will often sound like grating or grinding. It might be something you can feel in the movement of the car as well – it...

Tips to keep your car looking good as new

Keeping your car looking like you’ve just driven it off the forecourt may seem like an uphill struggle with road dirt, bird mess and bug splatters to contend with. Having a regular car care regime is important if you want to keep the most value in the car and need not be too much of a chore. Protecting the clear coat on your bodywork will prevent damage to the cars paintwork and keep it looking great. Bugs, bird mess and tree sap should be cleaned off at the earliest opportunity as these can all damage the clear coat. Washing with an appropriate car shampoo and waxing after washing also help to maintain the finish. When washing, use two buckets, one for rinsing the cloth, one for clean, soapy water, as...

Why Buy Cheap Tyres?

When buying tyres, the biggest problem consumers face is the cost of a well-known brand of car tyres. Normally, the price of brand car tyres is more than what an average consumer wants to pay. The good news is that it is possible to buy cheap tyres, which are readily available at any local branch of a tyre dealer. The savings can be quite attractive and appealing to most customers. Normally, a well-known brand of car tyres costs a lot of money. When you check out a dealer you will find that the cheaper variety is attractively priced and you may be tempted into buying the tyres. But, before you do so, you need to pause to find out whether the cheap tyres are in fact good enough for your...

Help Buying your next set of Tyres in Surrey, England

If you are a car owner living in Guildford, it is extremely important that you acknowledge the importance of equipping your vehicle with the right tyres to suit the different terrain and weather conditions. Weather in Guildford can change significantly over the year, so it is crucial that your tyres have the right technology integrated to accommodate for different driving conditions. Moreover, not every road is the same, so having tyres with increased traction to retain handling, response time and acceleration is also extremely important. Tyres are not something that many individuals in Guildford typically spend too much time thinking about. However, tyres, like other components of your vehicle, also tend to deteriorate over time, causing the need for replacement. Let us take a look at a few important factors...