Are Parking Cameras Useful?

When purchasing a new car, you may discover that you are being offered parking cameras as an additional extra, with an extra cost of course. Or some second-hand cars may have these included. But the big question is, are these parking cameras really worth the extra cost? For the most part, parking cameras are an excellent addition to any car, but you do not necessarily need them. If they are coming as an extra for no extra cost, then go ahead. But we would not recommend paying for them. Whilst they can assist you with parking by making it easier to see some of the more difficult areas. They can cause more of a hindrance than a help. We notice that when people have parking cameras, they become reliant on...

Reverse Parking

We all dread the time when we have to drive alongside another car and parallel park behind it. Fear not, with this handy guide on how to do the reverse parking exercise then it should hopefully become easier. This is also one of the manoeuvres that you might have to carry out during the UK driving test. On your driving test you will have to perform this within a two car length gap. We’re going to be having a look at the one-two-one method of parking. However, there is no perfect method to park a car. Make sure that you learn to use your judgement too. If you see that you’re getting too close to the kerb in your passenger door mirror then steer more to the right. If there’s...

Taking care in car parks

Far too many accidents happen in car parks and unfortunately this can result in serious injury. When driving around car parks or reverse parking your vehicle you should be sure to take extra care. Always drive at a slow sensible speed (many car parks have a speed limit of 10 miles per hour) and stay aware. Getting children out in a car park can be daunting for parents as you may have to let go of one child’s hand to get another child out. Always keep site of your child when in a car park and ideally keep them holding on to your leg or part of the car where you can see them easily. Walking behind a car that is reversing is how most accidents happen, try and leave...

Parking fines – are they legitimate?

Most of us accept that if we want to park in a busy place such as a town centre on in a city you are likely to have to pay for parking. This can vary from a couple of pounds to a whopping £42 per day depending on where you are. But some places are now imposing unnecessary fines on people who have paid for parking and have not exceeded the allowed time. These are scams set up working on intimation, they start with a letter being issued to the address of the registered car stating that you parked in a car park without paying and that you need to pay a fine of £100, reduced to £60 if you pay it immediately. If you have kept your pay and...

Parking your car safely

Most minor car damage is caused when parking the car, squeezing into small spaces, driving round narrow multi-story car ramp or damaged caused by other peoples car doors opening and hitting your car, but there are some precautions you can take to ensure that you park your car as safely as possible. Only ever leave your car in reputable car parks that are well lit and ideally have CCTV in operation. Avoid parking in tight spaces as you are likely to get your car scratched by people getting in and out of the cars either side of you. Always reverse park as statistically you are far less likely to have a collision driving forward out of a space than trying to reverse in a busy car park. If you have...