Perfecting your Parallel Parking

Parallel parking can be scary but you may really struggle to park anywhere if you’re unable to parallel park because it’s a common way of parking on busy streets.

The first way to practice parallel waking is in an empty spot, but this we mean a parking space that’s not enclosed by two vehicles at either side, and by practicing parallel parking with no car behind you, you’re able to perfect your technique.

Get a good idea of the dimensions of your car before you start parallel parking, and try to create your own system for success. One way it to line your back up with the car you want to slot in behind then turn the wheel slightly so you create an inward angel, and turn the wheel full lock when you’re nose will not touch the car in front, you then start to take the lock off when you’re close to the curb and full lock the other way before straightening up.


You may create your own system for success but make sure you always practice in an= wide space before you feel comfortable enough.